13 May 2023
The Review meeting for the M30 of the intelWATT project took place on the 8-10 May 2023 at the Technische Hochschule Köln Campus Leverkusen. The meeting was attended by the new Project Officer Floriana La Marca and by approximately 35 people from the 20 project partners. Partners were welcomed by the dean of TH Köln that briefly presented the brand-new campus that hosted the meeting. The first two days were dedicated to the presentation of the work done and the results achieved at month 30 by each WP Leader and the visit of the TH Köln labs. The last day was dedicated to the visit of the BIA Group facilities. Partners had the chance to visit the BIA Group production site and the place where the Case Study 3 – Simultaneous metal recovery and wastewater treatment in plastic electroplating production will run in the next months. It was a real pleasure for partners to meet in presence again and to share time and ideas for the best pursuit of the project.