5 December 2023
The latest M36 meeting of the intelWATT consortium marked a significant milestone in the project’s journey. Led by Andreas Sapalidis, the meeting provided a comprehensive overview of the project’s achievements, emphasizing advancements in intelligent water treatment technologies.
Insights from the Department of Applied Science and Technology (Disat@POLITO) set the stage for discussions. Presentations included updates on the construction of the power plant’s pilot unit (WP5) and progress in water recovery and energy harvesting from industrial brines (WP6).
The innovative Anyscale platform, introduced by Ciro Navarro Aceto for WP8, showcased the consortium’s commitment to cutting-edge solutions. Studio Fieschi presented early results of membrane distillation assessments and evaluated traditional technology for specific cases.
Warrant Hub’s contributions delved into risk assessment methodologies (Task 9.5) and outlined communication and dissemination activities, underlining strategic aspects crucial for intelWATT’s progress.
This collaborative meeting affirmed the consortium’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of water treatment innovation. Discussions ranged from achievements to strategies, setting the tone for intelWATT’s continued success.